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Mobile BPM feeds progress

Cindy Cheng, ​Sr. Director of Marketing Communications, EMEA, Appian
October 25, 2013

Enterprise growth is a central goal for any company. This indisputable focus is common sense - progress equals profits. However, how firms achieve growth and progress is evolving as technology and business processes do.

One of the key factors affecting enterprise growth today is mobility. The introduction of mobile devices into the workplace is affecting productivity and efficiency, as well as enterprise communications and other factors. Optimally, firms will be able to harness these changes and use them to their advantage. However, this can prove difficult due to security, reliability and control issues that can occur.

In order to truly harness the power of mobility, companies need to consider the advantages that business process management can provide.

Security and BPM

Mobile BPM solutions offer a secure way to manage workflow and mobile efforts. Security is often a top concern for businesses implementing BYOD policies and related solutions, and high-quality process management software minimizes risks without affecting the productivity gains made possible through these resources.

Reliable access and BPM

Reliable and stable access to work data and other resources via mobile devices is another concern that companies contend with that BPM software can address. Adding a secure and reliable resource that can manage workflow and employee access to key resources is essential for remote access of any kind, but especially through a mobile device.

Account control and BPM

Tied closely to both security and reliable access is account control. The option to monitor and manage resources, productivity and remote clients through mobile devices offers major advantages at every level of operations, and businesses have to optimize their control in order to support innovation and workflow advantages across the board.

Optimizing workflow through mobile is just one piece of the puzzle, however. Companies are able to streamline integration of new technology, including mobile, with cloud BPM software and similar solutionsthat boost process management and control over results. This isn't to say control over employees, but rather control over the results of their work and how the company can benefit from it.

Ultimately, any tool that can be used to drive progress has benefit to a business. Mobile BPM solutions provide this and much more by giving them additional value that firms can leverage for further improvement and profit. Companies need to optimize the tools they use, and implementing BPM software with mobile support does just that.

Cindy Cheng

Director of Product Marketing

Cindy Cheng