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BPM can pay off for nonprofits

Tara Charles
November 21, 2012

Not-for-profit organizations face a major challenge in that they have to operate with an extreme focus on fiscal responsibility. However, they also have to find a way to deliver superior functionality, and are generally focused on meeting an important need in the community. This puts pressure on operations because the entities have to walk an operational tight-rope to deliver a superior final product while managing resources responsibly.

In many cases, business process management software can serve as a refreshing tonic for nonprofits. The technology, when combined with intelligent operational measures, can free employees from cumbersome manual tasks and enable a level of procedural efficiency that makes up for many of the financial burdens associated with maintaining functionality in a not-for-profit environment.

Understanding how BPM gets the job done

BPM software operates in the background. Organizations need to begin their efforts to improve operations with BPM on its own. Business process management is a procedural methodology that identifies all of the core processes completed by employees and develops a working paradigm to complete those processes as efficiently as possible.

When organizations implement BPM, they often find that many of their processes, while effective, are inherently inefficient because workers have to complete some tedious manual tasks that prevent them from quickly handling a function. In some cases, workers can lose hours every day just making monotonous decisions about information that has to be dealt with, but always is handled in the same way. This is when BPM software can turn the initial vision driven by BPM ideas into operational gains.

Using technology to improve processes

BPM solutions allow companies to define parameters for repeatable process decisions and establish a software-based formula that automatically resolves these issues so they can be handled without manual oversight. This completely frees workers from many of the operations they deal with every day, and allows nonprofits to improve day-to-day functionality to such an extent that fiscal limitations do not hold the organization back as much as they otherwise would.

BPM software can also be used as an integration tool, connecting various technological systems while automating processes. Whether nonprofits decide to simply focus on process automation or also use integration capabilities, BPM can deliver a return on investment that makes it a superior technological option for such organizations.